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Antara News

Access trusted and quality news and information from Antara News Agency via Eikon. Available in Bahasa Indonesia and English, you can now access in depth news coverage to make smarter decisions and drive growth for your business in Indonesia.

Just search [ATR] or [ATRA] in an Eikon news window to access.
Why choose Antara News via Eikon?
As the national news agency of Indonesia, Antara provides the largest collection of news on this market, derived from 34 reporting bureaus across the archipelago. Antara news provides fast, accurate, comprehensive and advantageous information for business professionals in Indonesia.  

Accessing Antara News via Eikon allows you to carry out your financial analysis and local news monitoring in one place, as well as the following benefits:

1. Dual Language News
Antara news is available via Eikon in Bahasa Indonesia and English

2. Access up-to-date news from five categories:
  • Economics & Business
  • International
  • Politics
  • Financial Information
  • Sports News

3. Multiple Formats
View news in text, photo, video and infographic format

Simply use the code [ATR] or [ATRA] in an Eikon news window to access today!


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