With AI, ML, NLP at your fingertips, see the technology transforming financial services by getting a sneak peak at these leading projects...

Data Science Accelerator

Data Science Accelerator

The Data Science Accelerator or DSA is a project focused on providing low-friction access to Refinitiv data in a way that is perfectly formed for Data Scientists.

Focused on supporting customers with development sprints, the Data Science Accelerator (DSA) provides seamless access to large structured and unstructured datasets through hosted notebooks.



Telling our customers that something has happened is one thing. Can we also tell them why it happened?

By combining multiple datasets and machine-learning, Project Mosaic is trying to do just that.

Mosaic, which explains extreme price movements using multiple datasets and machine learning via a time-series graph that shows the beginning and the end of an event and how a price behaves during that time period, as well as information about what triggered the event and related news articles



Our World-Check Risk Intelligence services are leading the way in helping banks and regulators track and limit financial crime. 

Using entity graphs and centrality, Iris is looking to help these groups improve their screening by helping to identify companies and individuals proximity and association with corrupt practices. 
Using graph analytics to detect an entity’s proximity to financial crime by connecting proprietary data and open data sources—including watch lists, adverse media coverage, law enforcement, sanctions lists, and regulatory bodies

Event information

Refinitiv Labs Open Day

  • Date

    June 11, 2019
  • Time

    5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Location

    Refinitiv Office
    3 Times Square- 30th Floor
    New York, NY 10036
  • Speakers

    To be announced
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