To help you comply with Know Your Customer, anti-money laundering and other screening regulations fast and more efficiently, the Customer Risk Screener app provides an easy and intuitive way to connect your customer data within Salesforce using World-Check Risk Intelligence.
Join this webinar to find out how World-Check Customer Risk Screener can help you with:
Holly has over 20 years experience in data/regulatory compliance and risk management. Holly is focused on building strong Customer and Third Party Risk communities within the corporate environment, regulatory and financial communities to ensure Refinitiv is putting the clients’ focuses first in product build and design. She is also responsible for strategic project planning, building an education strategy around Customer and Third Party risk and assisting clients with large-scale roll-out and adoption projects around Customer and Third Party Risk solutions. She has personally managed several top banks around the globe and engaged directly with their anti-money laundering (AML) compliance teams and the heads of AML compliance. Holly’s focus has always been to ensure clients have the data and systems necessary to meet their regulatory guidelines as well as corporate responsibility expectations.
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