MRB Check (Powered by CRB Monitor)

Trusted data is key to identifying and monitoring exposure to the marijuana industry.

Refinitiv MRB Check (Powered by CRB Monitor) delivers a new best-in-class dataset offering extensive coverage on the marijuana-related industry. MRB Check offers robust corporate intelligence on "Tier1" (aka “Direct”) marijuana-related businesses (MRBs) operating in the U.S. and Canada, including insight into licensing and beneficial owners. The comprehensive database enables FIs and corporates to more effectively and holistically identify and manage risk as it pertains to direct MRBs. 

In this presentation, you will learn how the MRB Check dataset can help your firm better understand, identify and monitor risk and opportunity related to marijuana-related businesses.

Webinar details

  • Date / Time

    Listen On-Demand
  • Topic

    MRB Check: Screening for Marijuana-Related Risk and Relationships
  • Presenters

    Holly Sais Phillippi, Refinitiv
    Steve Kemmerling, CRB Monitor


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Meet the presenters

Holly Sais Phillippi | Head of Risk Proposition Sales, Refinitiv

Holly Sais Phillippi has over 20 years' experience in data/regulatory compliance and risk management. Holly is focused on building strong customer and third-party risk communities within the corporate environment, regulatory and financial communities to ensure Refinitiv is putting the clients’ focuses first in product build and design. She is also responsible for strategic project planning, building an education strategy around customer and third-party risk and assisting clients with large-scale rollout & adoption projects around customer and third-party risk solutions.

She has personally managed several top banks around the globe and engaged directly with their Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance teams and the heads of AML compliance. Holly’s focus has always been to ensure clients have the data and systems necessary to meet their regulatory guidelines as well as corporate responsibility expectations.

Steve Kemmerling | Founder & CEO, CRB Monitor

Since founding CRB Monitor in 2014, Steven Kemmerling has been a thought leader, subject matter expert and data-hound focused on addressing significant challenges around “cannabis and banking.” He created and continues to refine many of the terms, taxonomy and frameworks relied upon by financial institutions and regulators as they seek to understand the cannabis industry and formulate relevant and effective policies, procedures and standards. Prior entrepreneurial experience includes helping to launch and grow a litigation and anti-money laundering consultancy serving large financial institutions. Steve strives to utilize his experience, knowledge, and entrepreneurial insight to develop innovative products and services that provide meaningful solutions to large problems.

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