Technology, M&A and Antitrust
If there’s one area where Democrats and Republicans seem to find common ground, it is in their desire to curb the power of the largest technology companies, including Facebook, Amazon and Alphabet. The parties differ on the approach to regulating big corporations, with some Democrats proposing a moratorium on mergers and acquisitions, and Republicans calling for tech firms to become more accountable for information distributed on their platforms.
Refinitiv Managing Director of the Americas, Mike Dionne, invites you to a discussion with Breakingviews Silicon Valley Columnist Gina Chon and Global Editor Rob Cox who will lead a panel discussion with experts Bill Baer, former Assistant Attorney General of the Antitrust Division, U.S. Justice Department, Matt Schurers, President CCIA, Pramila Jayapal, Congresswoman, House of Representatives and Mike Dionne, Managing Director, Americas, Refinitiv.
Bill Baer, former Assistant Attorney General of the Antitrust Division, U.S. Justice Department
Matt Schruers, President, CCIA (Computer & Communications Industry Association)
Pramila Jayapal, Congresswoman, House of Representatives
Gina Chon, Columnist, Reuters Breakingviews
Rob Cox, Global Editor, Reuters Breakingviews
Mike Dionne, Managing Director, Americas, Refinitiv