ESG Investing for 
Wealth Management

Build sustainability into your investment strategy with our environmental,
social, and governance (ESG) data and services, covering thousands of companies.

Drive sustainable and 
socially responsible investing 

“Sustainability must become the new norm – and be at the heart of everyday decisions that we make as citizens, as consumers and as investors."

Elena Philipova, Global Head of ESG Proposition at Refinitiv

Driving sustainable and socially responsible investing business, ethics and corporate governance are now moving to the forefront as metrics to identify how well a company is performing. Investors are increasingly demanding that environmental issues be factored into their portfolios and financial professionals in response, are differentiating their services using environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria into the screening workflow.

Our approach to ESG:

Refinitiv provides Environmental, Social and Governance data to help Wealth Advisors integrate ESG factors into the investment workflow, including portfolio analysis, equity research, screening or quantitative analysis. Our ESG data enables Wealth Advisors to screen over 70% of global market cap across 100s of granular and reliable ESG metrics so they can efficiently meet investment mandates and provide insight into sustainable investments to customers. 

We help market participants easily assess the ESG risks and opportunities in portfolios, benchmark against peer companies and make more informed investment decisions with a socially responsible investment mandate or interest.

What you get with our ESG data

More data measures, coverage, history and better standardization
We offer 500+ ESG data points, 70+ ESG analytics, metrics and grades from FY2002 for over 9,000 companies. This unique insight makes data comparisons easier for Advisors. Users will gain access the longest and most comprehensive history for E, S and G data in the market.

Trusted and Comparable Data
Our ESG scores remain comparable and reliable based on three core calculation principles; Relative Benchmarking, Materiality and Transparency Weighting. We remain committed to keeping our scoring system to be one of the most objective in the industry with our ESG scores calculated with a data driven approach.

Seamless and Intuitive Integration and Access
Wealth Firms can seamlessly integrate financial and non-financial data points and analytics into their digital workflows to give their investors the full picture of which companies fit their investment strategy and are most suitable for their portfolio goals.


Transparency and Auditability
Transparency is key. The ESG data is sourced from publicly available sources and audit-ability is offered with links back to the information source document as well as our researchers’ comments.

Index Services Business
We provide Wealth clients with a suite of services which enable them to use our ESG data to create their own indices or for us to calculate or administer ESG Indices. 

Flexible Delivery
Our ESG data is available in our advisor, client, and feed solutions via Refinitiv Data Platform: RESTful JSON API and BULK API.

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