Protect and monitor your portfolio with Eikon & MSCI Portfolio Risk Analytics
Looking to protect your portfolio from systemic shocks? Embrace advanced portfolio stress-testing and portfolio optimization tools to deliver consistent risk-adjusted returns. Get a unique chance to try it for free.

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Turn risks into opportunities - understand and navigate market volatility at scale

Address your clients' biggest concerns by building custom "what if" scenarios to mitigate the downsize risk.

  • Mitigate risk and manage areas of downside potential
  • Stress test portfolios to assess the potential impact of real-life economic scenarios
  • Optimize portfolios by managing tracking error & risk volatility.

Get complimentary access to be able to:

Evaluate risk and stress-test your portfolio
How would your portfolio react if the S&P 500 went down 20% or gold went up 10%? Stress-test your portfolio against systemic shocks to indices, interest rates, currency movements and commodities.

Protect your portfolio by simulating historical events 

We have identified 10 most recurring historical scenarios that have affected global markets. you can review your portfolio's VaR after simulating historical events.

Control tracking error & optimize your portfolio

Control total risk and track errors with the Optimizer powered by Barra's global multi-asset class risk model. Optimize your portfolio using a wide range of models

    Start navigating through uncertainty

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